Contact [email protected] or call Wendy Cuninghame on +27838952020 for any extra info on this program

  • Results: 6kg to 20kg depending on commitment, weight and personal biology

  • Start Date: Anytime. Offer expires 28 February 2022

  • Duration: Start any time till 28 Feb. Program lasts three months

  • Price: R1,500

  • Commitment: Eat clean. Exercise not required to achieve results.

  • Support: Tech support 7 days a week. Optional expert workshops and daily coach check-ins on Zoom


You’re overweight, but you’re starving. You’re unfit, but you’re exhausted. And, the conventional advice you get is to eat less and exercise more. Just be strong. Have some willpower. But it only makes you hungrier and more exhausted. And as for willpower, you try to get back on the wagon, but the shopping isles, friends, special occasions, work pressure and ‘just life’ get in your face and knock you back to where you started. 

But the struggle is real. Because, if left unchecked, that excess weight you’re carrying around will eventually rob you of true riches in life like quality time with loved ones, the adventures you dream of, and seeing your grandchildren grow up (if it hasn’t already).

If the physical impact isn’t enough, you’re left with crushed self-confidence, anxiety, a feeling of worthlessness and a seemingly unbreakable cycle of binging, restricting, rebelling and repeating. 

We know weight loss is bigger than willpower and meal plan. It is about true transformation, and that only comes from taking back your power. 

The #FINISHSTRONG Bundle is RMR’s best in one program designed to give you everything you need to health your body, crush the weight and begin the journey to a ‘you’ that you love. 


Anne lost 20kg in Three Months with Real Meal Revolution

The Four in One Bundle has everything Anne used, and now you get it for less than half the price. Three months of the RMR Web App, Our Flagship 12 Week Online Course, The RMR Habit Building Program, Live Workshop Series


By putting yourself first and carbohydrates last this season, and eating the RMR way, these are all of the benefits waiting for you as the year closes, and through 2022 and beyond.

  • Lose weight (and gain skills to keep it off) without exercise or hunger

  • Reverse type 2 diabetes, reduce high blood pressure, eradicate IBS and reduce chronic inflammation without expensive medication or risky surgery

  • Experience mental clarity like never before, and regain your confidence

  • Finally put an end to the binge cycle, yoyo dieting, and the relentless self-doubt that comes with giving everything you have to diets that fail you.

  • Feel supported by a community of like-minded individuals and the experts who brought you the Real Meal Revolution.

  • Get the benefits of finally putting YOU first.


2022 presents an ocean of opportunity. But opportunities are only realised if they are taken. 

By taking advantage of this bundle, you will save more than 50% in RMR programs and set yourself up for a roaring start to 2022 or insights and most importantly, results. 

Your weight today is the result of your habits for the last three to six months. What will you do differently today, that will leave you proud of yourself and inspired by your life in three to six months' time?

The Four in One Bundle will get you straight down to the business of losing weight, with the addition of all of RMR’s resources to carry you. 

Whether it is a weekly zoom check-in with peers and a coach, or a workshop on Eating Psychology to provide insight into what lies behind your eating, a Power Start will put you on a trajectory to greatness. 

The Four in One Bundle is literally everything you need to start 2022 with power, and the bundle is also a crazy-good deal. 


For a taste, there are now 100's of Randomised Control Trials (the Gold Standard of clinical trials) that show Low Carb / Banting / Keto as the weight loss winner and the best protocol for reversing Type 2 Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Metabolic Syndrome, Blood Lipid Profiles and Reducing Chronic Inflammation.


Since the launch in November 2013 more than 450,000 people have bought our books without us spending a cent on advertising. When you get results, you'll want to tell people.


I've lost 35kg

Lee Ann Patrick

I’ve lost 35kg and 31cm around my waist. I’ve gone down 6 dress sizes. I’m happier, mentally and physically. I can exercise, run around with my kids and I feel like I have turned back into my younger self. I no longer feel old and frumpy. I feel strong and beautiful.

I lost 13kg with RMR

Adrienne Hackett

"I was not expecting such an amazing transformation and a lifestyle change. I will never fall back into my old habits. I love the food in this lifestyle and have never felt better.”

I'm down 30kg

Tessa Whitfield

The impact of the RMR programs I’ve done has touched every aspect of my life. My relationships with family are stronger and I feel more connected than ever before. Mentally, I definitely feel sharper and have so enjoyed working towards goals – this is a process that I’ve learned through RMR that I will take with me for the rest of my life.

Reversed diabetes!

Margie Hackett

If you are the kind of person that has had a difficult life with dieting and losing weight, only to gain it all back again and again and getting bigger each time, I would urge you to join RMR. This lifestyle will enable you to reverse your diabetes which I have achieved! It allows you to lose weight and not feel constantly hungry. I would also urge Type 2 diabetics to join RMR and let your Dr adjust your meds as you progress. I lost weight this time around as I needed to get HEALTHY. The weight loss has been a great bonus.

I learned to listen to my body...

Nicola Diggle

I have much improved self-confidence. I enjoy wearing my clothes (which now all fit me except for the “fat jeans” which I have thrown out) and I enjoy shopping for clothes confident I will fit into the size I want to be. I also feel stronger in my body.



Here is a breakdown of everything you get with the Four in One Bundle

3 Months access to RMR Web App (Valued at R600)

  • More than 50 tried and tested meal plans for rapid weight loss without hunger
  • More than 600 low carb recipes to make your journey delicious
  • 100+ video cooking lessons to see how I actually prepare the recipes
  • Tracking tools to monitor your losses

12 Week Online Keto Course for Weight Loss (Valued at R1,500)

  • 12 tried and tested low carb meal plans for weight loss
  • 12 Modules of curated keto and transformational content from the world experts to give you in depth knowledge about how to transform your health
  • Weekly instructions sent via email

3 Months membership to Habit Building Program (Valued at R1,500)

  • Keto 101 - Essential, short lectures from the Real Meal Revolution authors on the science of low carb and how to use the Real Meal Revolution food lists like a pro
  • Habit Building Theory - Quickly learn the most effective way to change shape your habits to make them stick, so your health becomes a habit and willpower becomes unnecessary
  • Super Simple Guides - Use the latest tool kit to break bad habits and make new healthy habits
  • Optional daily accountability workshops

3 Month Live Workshop Series (Priceless)

  • LIVE Face-to-Face Workshops and Q&As with our experts on Zoom
  • Performance Mindset Workshops with Jonno Proudfoot (Me)
  • Weight Loss Nutrition workshops and Q&As with Bridget Surtees (Registered Dietitian)
  • Eating Psychology Workshops with Victoria Webster (Clinical Psychologist)
  • Attendance optional. Recordings sent on Fridays for those unable to attend

This is how the #FINISHSTRONG bundle stacks up

  • 3 Months RMR Web App - R600
  • 3 Months Habit Building Program - R1500
  • 12 Week Online Course - R1500
  • 3 Months Live Workshop Series - Priceless

Total Value - Min R3,600

Four in One Bundle Price



Question? Mail [email protected] or call +27838952020 today


    You will land in our online learning system which contains all of your learning materials as well as links to register for the workshops. You will also receive an instruction email to guide you through the first steps, and you will receive an activation email that will give you access to your web app dashboard, where you will find your recipes, meal plans, tracking tools and more.


    It depends on a number of factors. It will slow down your progress, but there is no morality there. Each person is different, and you can decide on how to approach this. We don’t call it cheating though. We call it celebrating. There are also in-depth discussions on the concept of cheating in all three of our Mindset, Dietitian and Eating Psychology workshops series.


    YES! We guarantee it. If you don't lose 6kg in your first 12 weeks we will give you your money back, 100% guaranteed. That said, many people lose much more than that. Our record is 31kg in three months, with many people losing up to 12kg in the initial 12 weeks. It depends on how well you follow the plan and how well your body reacts to the diet - every body is different :)


    No. But we’d like you to. You can eat this way without cooking, but that leaves the deliciousness in someone else’s hands. We will encourage you to cook recipes, or try new things, as we move you away from eating junk. That is all part of you reinventing your relationship with food. But only when you're ready. If you're never ready, that's cool too. You can still get outrageous results without cooking.


    There are numerous benefits to the keto diet, and yes, it is safe. However, there are often drastic improvements in the first few weeks which may affect your required dose of certain medications. If you have been diagnosed with any of the following, we advise you to notify your doctor as soon as possible so they can monitor your progress. High blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, Sleep apnoea, Kidney disease, Heart disease, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Epilepsy, Chronic inflammation


    Yes. You get 12 meal plans in the Online Course and 50+ more in the Web App and all of them come with shopping lists and recipes. You get each meal with a shopping list for two people and four people. You can choose which one to download.


    You can pay via credit card or debit card. The fee is once-off upfront payment for three months.


    The meal plans form a low carb, healthy fat diet designed to get your body into a state where your body burns its own fat (the fat you want to lose) for fuel. This state is called ketosis, and the diet is called a ketogenic diet. You can make our guidelines work with the food you are already eating, or you can choose between following a meal plan or creating your own plans based on our delicious recipes. As long as you are eating low carb, nutrient dense foods (and preferably enjoying them perfectly cooked and well-flavoured), we are happy, and you will get results.


    You can choose from various pricing options. For just the Web App, you can continue for R200 a month. Other services vary from R500 to R1950 per month.


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