Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Program Logistics - What to Expect

    3. Your Six Week Schedule

    4. WhatsApp Group

    5. Introduction to Eating Psychology

    6. Eating as a Reflection of Self

    7. Preparation for the Welcome session - Workbook

    8. Additional Reading and Resources (Optional)

    1. Diet Culture & Beliefs around your Body & Eating

    2. Diet Culture - Part I

    3. Diet Culture - Part II

    4. Beliefs Around Feelings and Emotions

    5. Home Practice Workbook

    6. Weekly Workshop Registration

    1. Mindfulness, Emotions & your Relationship with Food

    2. Mindfulness, Emotions and your Relationship with Food

    3. Mindful Eating

    4. Connecting with Emotions

    5. Physical vs Emotional Hunger

    6. Home Practice Assignment

    7. Weekly Workshop & Registration

    1. Understanding Emotional Triggers

    2. Download your Home Practice Documents

    3. Understanding Emotional Triggers

    4. Specific Triggers

    5. Eating Events

    6. Register for the Group Live Session

    1. Boundaries

    2. Boundaries Home Practice Assignment

    3. Saying No without FOMO

    4. Boundary Challenges

    5. Setting Boundaries

    1. Connection & Stress Resilience

    2. Home Practice Assignment

    3. Building True Resilience

    4. Control

    5. Self-compassion

    6. Connection

    7. Group Live Weekly Session

About this course

  • R3,500.00
  • 49 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content